Friday, December 13, 2024
Welcome to the final edition of our e-Newsletter for 2024. And what a bumper edition it is!
- Rowing Tasmania Christmas closure
- Reminder on Exclusion Zones after concerning incident
- RT Board appoints new Directors
- Caravan removal reminder - take 'em home!
- RT Schools Commission - call for expressions of interest
- TIS Champions Club inductee
- Santa on the streets of Sheffield
- 2025 Pathway Team nominations open
- AMRC25 State Team nominations open
- Be part of the action: Volunteer now for ARC25
- Coxswains Workshop at SP#4
- State Club Regatta information/reminders (including Coxswains update)
- Regatta Calendar: What's coming up
- Scam alert from ScamWatch
Rowing Tasmania office Christmas closure
The Board, Staff and Contractors of Rowing Tasmania extend their best wishes for a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a very safe holiday season to all in our rowing community, their families and friends.
Rowing Tasmania will be closing for the Christmas break from 5pm on Friday, December 20 and will resume business on Monday, January 6.
Our CEO Rob Prescott, other staff and volunteers will be on leave over this period.
We ask that you respect this and allow them to spend uninterrupted time with their families as they enjoy some well-earned down time.
But before the break, we're looking forward to seeing many of you at Lake Barrington this weekend for State Club Regatta #4.
Goodbye, Sarah - we wish you all the best!
As we prepare to say "goodbye" to 2024, at Rowing Tasmania we're also farewelling Sarah Black who, after 12 months as our GM Development and Operations, has decided to step down from the role.
Sarah's dedication and passion for our sport have made an impact on our organisation and the Tasmanian rowing community. Her enthusiasm and input will be missed.
We wish you all the best, Sarah, wherever your future career may take you.
Selfs Point exclusion zone - import reminder!
We received a concerning email from TasPorts earlier this month after its VTS team observed several rowing shells and support craft coming well within the 60m exclusion zone of a vessel that was discharging at Selfs Point, New Town Bay. The picture below of the incident on December 5 was supplied by TasPorts.

Coaches and athletes should be aware of the following information on exclusion zones, which can be found in the Making Rowing Safer in Tasmania document:
Exclusion Zones and Prohibited Areas
- A 60-metre exclusion zone exists around any vessel that is under pilotage and engaged in berthing operations. Only vessels engaged in assisting with the berthing operation are permitted to operate within the exclusion zone. Tug wash can be dangerous.
- There is a prohibited area of 60m on either side of any vessel under pilotage. If that vessel is accompanied by an escort vessel (blue flashing light) you cannot pass between the escort vessel or the vessel under pilotage.
- All craft must remain outside the Waterside Restricted Area around all Cruise ships and Tankers at either Selfs Point and Risdon Wharf which is 50m from the wharf edge. TasPorts website states (tasports.com.au/security): It is an offence under the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003 to access, or attempt to access, these zones unless authorised. In the event of a breach of a zone, a penalty may be imposed.
- A vessel under pilotage control is identified by a red and white vertical flag.
- Some vessels have pilotage exemption, and the same rules apply to the vessel under pilotage. Pilot-exempt vessels are identified by a white flag. These will generally be seen on the River Derwent and are often larger fish farm vessels.
- Waterside restricted security zones apply to certain TasPorts wharves and vessel activities. Additionally, cargo and routine operations of vessels may pose a hazard on the waterside of vessels. At times, vessels may also operate a ship's propulsion such as thrusters to hold the vessel alongside the berth in elevated wind conditions. Rowers should maintain a distance, where possible, of not less than 50 metres from any TasPorts wharf when there is a vessel at berth in port.
- Coaches must make themselves aware of any other Notices to Mariners that may have been issued that could impact their activity.

Georgia Nesbitt and Alison Kirkwood join RT Board
The Board of Rowing Tasmania is very pleased to again welcome Ms Georgia Nesbitt as a Director.
Ms Nesbitt is a qualified lawyer having graduated in 2016, balancing studies with her commitments to the Australian Rowing Team.
She has been on the Rowing Australia Athletes Commission and more recently was a Director with Rowing Tasmania from February 2023 until August 2024, working with the Board on legal issues and integrity matters. She has an understanding of and knowledge about the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023 (Tas), which also complements the skills of the Board.
Ms Nesbitt brings a wealth of knowledge and experience as an elite rower and is a fantastic role model for up-and-coming athletes aspiring to progress their pathway to higher levels of rowing.
And in breaking news, just before publication of this newsletter it has been announced that Ms Alison Kirkwood has been appointed to the RT Board.
Ms Kirkwood is a chartered accountant with a strong background in working with not-for-profit organisations. She brings additional accounting and auditing expertise to the Board.
Ms Kirkwood is a senior rower with the Mersey Rowing Club and has represented Tasmania in our Interstate crews at the Australian Masters Rowing Championships.

A reminder that all caravans and motor homes must be removed from the Lake Barrington rowing venue by the end of State Club Regatta #4 on Sunday, December 15.
There is to be no camping at the site overnight on Sunday, December 15.
Caravans can return to the venue in the week leading into State Club Regatta #5, which is on January 18-19, 2025.

RT Schools Commission | Call for expressions of interest
The Board of Rowing Tasmania (RT) is establishing a Schools Commission and is calling for expressions of interest from individuals and clubs who support school rowing, together with traditional (SATIS) and non-traditional rowing schools.
The Commission's responsibilities are to:
- Convey views and opinions from the schools rowing community,
- Advise the Board about the interests of school rowing,
- Consider questions and issues referred by the CEO or the Board, and
- Make recommendations to the Board about the management and conduct of schools rowing.
More information and the Terms of Reference are available on the Rowing Tasmania website.
An online information session to explain the Terms of Reference and to answer any queries will be held via Teams from 5.00-5.30pm on Tuesday, December 17. Register for the briefing here.
Expressions of interest will close on Wednesday, December 18.
TIS Champions Club induction
On behalf of our rowing community, Rowing Tasmania congratulates Ciona Wilson on her induction into the Tasmanian Institute of Sport Champions Club.
Ciona was one of three 2024 Champions Club inductees at the TIS Annual Breakfast on December 5. Of the 27-member Club, 10 of the athletes are recognised for rowing - a fantastic effort!
Ciona started her rowing career as a student at Launceston Grammar and continued on with Tamar Rowing Club. You can read more about Ciona along with the names of other rowers in the Champions Club here.
Rowing Tasmania also extends its congratulations to Sarah Hawe who was one of the five finalists for the Seven Tasmania Tasmanian Athlete of the Year award, which was won by Olympic swimming champion Ariane Titmus.

Please allow extra time and take extra care as you travel through Sheffield this evening (Friday, December 13) on your way to State Club Regatta #4 as Santa and his Christmas Parade entourage will be taking over Main St from 6pm.
There may be traffic delays and brief road closures in place.
For those of you who want to be part of the Sheffield Christmas Parade fun, there'll be a sausage sizzle in the Park and photo opportunites with Santa.

Rowing Tasmania is calling for nominations from athletes who want to represent Tasmania in our 2025 State Pathway crews.
Submit your nomination now by scanning the corresponding team QR code in the picture above, or by clicking on a link below:
Schoolboys Pathway Team Nomination 2025 - Rowing Tasmania
Schoolgirls Pathway Team Nomination 2025 - Rowing Tasmania
Deadline for nominations is January 20, 2025.
Inquiries to: operations@rowingtasmania.com.au

Rowing Tasmania invites Masters athletes to register for the 2025 Tasmanian Masters team to compete in the Interstate Regatta at AMRC2025.
To nominate, scan the QR code in the picture above, or click on the link here: 2025 Masters State Team Nomination Form - Rowing Tasmania
The State Team Selection Policy and Event Requirements can be found on the Rowing Tasmania website.
The Australian Masters Rowing Championships will be held at Sydney International Regatta Centre, Penrith, from May 29 to June 1, 2025.
IMPORTANT: There will be a meeting for all those interested in nominating for the State Masters team at Lake Barrington tomorrow (Saturday, December 14) at 5.45pm in the cafe.
Inquiries to: operations@rowingtasmania.com.au

Scoot on over to the 2025 Australian Rowing Championships Volunteer Registration Page by clicking here or on the tile above and become part of the team that helps create a great experience for athletes, families and spectators at this exciting event.
Volunteers at ARC25 receive great benefits, such as: an official uniform, food and drink during your shift, a thankyou function, and free entry to see some fantastic racing.
There are no specific qualifications or rowing knowledge required for most roles, but some attributes are recommended.
You'll find a list of volunteer opportunities on the registration page with great explanation of the key areas of responsibility for each role.
Sign up now!

State Club Regatta information/reminders
Here is some information and a few reminders for athletes, coaches and others attending State Club Regattas -
- Volunteers will undertake boat safety checks in the boat park at Regattas - including School Regattas - before crews go on the water. Checks include correctly attached bow balls, correct length heel ties, quick release shoe ties and intact hatch covers to ensure they are in line with safety requirements.
- Coxswains - if you know you will need to carry weight (maximum of 15kg) to meet the minimum 55kg weight requirement (although there is no minimum weight for U17 events), please bring them in a sealed bag when you come to the Reeconians Centre to weigh in.
Also, as stiplulated in the Rowing Tasmania Inc Racing Code -
20. Coxswains
20.6. Coxswains shall be weighed wearing racing uniform, not less than one (1) hour and not more than twenty four (24) hours before their first race at a regatta, and having weighed on the first day of a weekend regatta they shall not normally be required to weigh again on the second day of competition. The B.O.A.T. may however require additional weigh-ins.
Please also see the Temporary Rule Variation 20.4 Coxswains, approved by the Board on December 11, regarding the carrying of additional weight.
- When training at Lake Barrington or any other regatta venue outside of the hours of the approved competition, an approved life jacket must be worn if that crew's coach boat is not within 500m of the rowing shell.
- If you decide to swim off the launch ways at the end of the competition day, please do not climb on the large yellow "cheese-block" buoys. While they look sturdy, they are easily damaged.
- The rocks at the edges of the lake are there to protect the banks from erosion. Please leave them where they are.
- A 10pm curfew is to be adhered to at Lake Barrington. Please show consideration to other campers. Remember, sound carries a long way at night.
- No one is to be in the boat park between the hours of sunset and sunrise.

Click on the Regatta Calendar banner for the full season calendar, including information on each regatta and information about Volunteering at Regattas.
Closing off 2024:
This weekend, December 14 - 15: State Club Regatta #4 @ LBIRC. More information, including the draw, here.
December 14: National Time Trial #2 @ LBIRC (TIS). More here.
Kicking off 2025:
January 18 - 19: State Club Regatta #5 @ LBIRC. More information here as it's available.
View our Results Archive

This might be the season for giving, but ScamWatch is warning us all to be alert for scams where criminals will be doing the taking rather than the giving! Read on for ScamWatch's card collection scam alert:
How to spot the scam
Criminals pretend to be from your bank, IT company or phone company and tell you that your account or computer is not secure. They will ask you to provide your PIN and leave your card out for collection, or to withdraw cash and hand this over instead.
How the scam works
Scammers impersonate organisations you know and trust so that you will believe what they're saying
They will try to make you scared about the security of your money or devices, so you'll do what they say without stopping to check that what they're saying is real.
Once they have your card and PIN, they'll withdraw as much money from your account as possible.
What you should know
Your bank or phone company will never as you to:
- disclose your PIN
- leave your card out to be collected
- withdraw cash from your account
- transfer money to another account to keep it secure
Speak up and report if you are ever asked to do any of these things. Visit the ScamWatch website to find out more.
Stay protected
STOP - Never tell anyone your PIN, or give your card or cash to someone you don't know. Say no, hang up, delete.
CHECK - Scammers call and pretend to be from organisations that you know and trust - like your bank. If you're not sure, call the official number of the organisation to check. You can find this on their website, app or the back of your bank card.
PROTECT - If a scammer has taken your money, bank card or personal details, contact your bank or card provider immediately to report the scam and ask them to stop any transactions. Call the police if your cash or card has been taken by someone you don't know, or if you feel unsafe. Report scams to ScamWatch.
If you've been affected
If you're the victim of a scam, don't be embarassed. It can happen to anybody. It's important to ask for help and report the scam as soon as you can.
When you report the scam, the people who read your report understand how you are feeling. You are not alone. Contacting support services can help you understand what happened and ensure you get access to the support your need.
Help others by reporting scams to ScamWatch. The information you provide helps the National Anti-Scam Centre make Australia a harder target for scammers.
Resources for people experiencing financial hardship
The National Debt Helpline: 1800 007 007
Our e-Newsletter editor is Roxanne Casey