Special general Meeting reminder notice and meeting papers
Published Fri 31 May 2019
A Special General Meeting to vote on the proposed new constitution for Rowing Tasmania Inc will be held at 7.30 pm, Friday 21st June 2019 at the New Town Bay Rowing Centre, Marine Esplanade, New Town Bay, Tasmania.
The formal notice of this meeting was given on Friday 5th April this year.
Following that notice, stakeholder forums were held in Launceston on Tuesday 30th April and Hobart on Wednesday 1st May.
Discussion and comments made at those forums, and subsequent feedback from several Rowing Tasmania members and Clubs has been factored into a number of revisions to the draft Constitution.
Below for download are the Agenda for the Special General Meeting, the final proposed Constitution, and a spreadsheet mapping specific feedback and the action taken on that feedback.
In summary, following the consultation phase, the changes made to the proposed constitution are:
- Reducing the burden on Rowing Clubs, by only requiring constitutions to be lodged when changed, and financials to be lodged on request. Other clauses have been simplified and re-worded to be less prescriptive, and to be consistent with the intent that the relationship with Rowing clubs will be cooperative, not regulatory.
- Reduction in the maximum number of Appointed Directors from three to two. Several clubs provided feedback that the Board should have the required skills in the elected members and that accordingly the number which could be appointed should be reduced.
- Increase of the quorums for both General Meetings and Board Meetings to 60% rounded up, following feedback that the proposed 50% was too low. This means that 8/13 clubs would be needed for a quorum at a General Meeting; and 4/6 up to 5/8 Board Members would be required for a quorum at Board Meetings.
- Removal of several clauses providing for the formation of a new rowing club and the prospective status of such a club. Concern was expressed that a prospective club could have a vote, and there was discussion over the time required to incorporate etc. For simplicity all such clauses have been removed. They are considered unnecessary, as the Board would work constructively with a community group wishing to form a new club. That group would be eligible to apply for membership when the criteria for membership were met. In the interim, members of the group could represent the group administratively and in rowing competition under revised Clause 6.8(f).
- Consolidation of clauses relating to Rowing Clubs including a clause setting out the scope and principles required to be met (Clause 6.4(b)). There were some comments and subsequent discussion about the status of schools under the new constitution and whether schools, or school associations (eg TSRA and SATIS) should be eligible to be voting members. In the broad, the position adopted by the current RT Committee is:
- To be a Rowing Club, an incorporated entity must be open to any prospective member, without discrimination in relation to age, association, enrollment, employment or gender. School rowing programs are one of a number of co-curricular activities offered by educational institutions, not the primary purpose of those institutions.
- Discussion with a number of school rowing connections made it clear that “rowing schools” interest is not about having a vote at the AGM or at a Special General Meeting, but rather, that they have a clear voice, and the opportunity to influence issues such as the development of the rowing calendar, the structure and conduct of regatta programs, coach development and accreditation, support by RT for school regattas, school rowing programs, rower skills development and injury minimisation etc. The proposed constitution, by providing for formation of a Schools Commission creates improved opportunity for all such issues to be addressed and progressed.
- Revision of clauses relating to Commissions to clarify that the terms of reference, the Chair, commission members and constituency are all to be developed in consultation with the constituency. After discussion, particularly with Masters rowers, we believe there is a shared understanding that the provision for commissions is intended to, and will provide improved consultation, empowerment and communication channels with the Board.
- The proposed clauses relating to Commissions are enabling, so that, should there be other constituencies, such as coaches, BOAT/officials whose members consider would be best represented by formation of a Commission, and that was agreed by the Board, it could be done.
- Following from the previous point, there are current By-Laws and the proposed Constitution provides for By-Laws (Section 24), so the current ones continue in force (including that giving status to BOAT). Feedback was provided on the large number of current By-Laws, and these will be reviewed and consolidated once the new Constitution is in place.
- A number of revisions to improve drafting (e.g. order of clauses relating to calling and conduct of meetings), to ensure terminology is consistent with applicable legislation (e.g. definition of a Director and the Board), and that other straight-forward points raised are included (e.g. that all classes of members are notified of general meetings). See the attached spreadsheet for detail on these and action taken.