
Rowing Australia Pathways Presentation

Published Wed 26 Feb 2025

The Tasmanian Institute of Sport, in collaboration with Rowing Australia and Rowing Tasmania, is hosting a presentation focused on Rowing Australia's Pathways - presented by Jason Lane, RA Pathways Head Coach.

This presentation will specifically look at the technical and training principles preparing junior athletes and discussing performance pathways for rowing in Tasmania.

There will also be an update regarding Oceania U22 Event, set to launch this July in South Australia (an updated version of the former Youth Cup).

There will be a discussion around "The Day of an Athlete at the NTC" from a coach's perspective.

Athletes aged between 16 to 18 (Opens rowers), parents and coaches are invited to attend.

RSVP by Friday, 7 March via email:

Unable to get to Hobart? Register your intent to attend via Teams and you will be sent a Teams invite.

PLEASE NOTE: For those attending in person, access to NTBRC is via the Brooker Hwy only. Access from the Domain Hwy, via Queens Walk, is closed until late May.