
Call for Elected Director nominations 2024

Published Wed 17 Jul 2024

Call for Elected Director Nominations

At the 2024 Annual General Meeting, the following Directors will be retiring by rotation but are eligible for re-election:

  • Chairperson, Mick Casey
  • Director, Georgia Nesbitt

Pursuant to clause 15.1 of the Rowing Tasmania Constitution 2019, I, Rob Prescott, as the CEO of Rowing Tasmania Inc, call for Nominations for Elected Directors.

The Board has determined to continue meeting the Tasmanian Government’s Women on Boards Strategy 2020-2025 by dedicating one of the two vacancies up for election to be for female nominees.

The Board has also determined the nominees to demonstrate the following qualifications in:

· Legal

· Governance

· Analytical and strategic

· Understanding of Government machinery

· Risk management, or

· Rules, regulations or rowing knowledge.

Under clause 15.2, the 2024 form must be signed by two individuals who hold an official position within a Voting Member (Club) and by the nominee.

At clause 14.3(b), if a nominee holds an official position on a Member Affiliate Committee and is elected, they must resign the official position 48 hours before being eligible to take their Directorship with the Board.


Nomination for Elected Director

Returned to:

Public Officer at

Time & date:

by 23:59 hrs Friday 2 August 2024

Rob Prescott
Rowing Tasmania Inc

Nomination Form below